Monday 11 November 2013


           Address : 03 Huynh Thuc Khang Street,Ward 4,Dalat City 67000,Lam Dong

Did your life is always busy???..feels like there is no happiness in your life??..If the answer is YES, then you have to visit this place where you can put away your LONELY WORLD and experiencing a crazy life in the this Crazy House..

Hang Nga guesthouse or popularly known as "Crazy House" is an unconventional building designed and constructed by Vietnamese woman architect Dang Viet Nga. This house was also described as a "Fairy Tale House" because its overall design resembles a giant tree, incorporating sculptured design elements representing natural forms such as animals, mushrooms, spider webs and caves. Its architecture, comprising complex, organic, non-rectilinear shapes. hs been described as expressionist. Since its opening in 1990, it has gained recognition and listed as one of the world's ten most "bizarre" buildings in the Chinese People's Daily.

The building's exterior of this house resembles a five-story-high banyan tree, with unevenly shapep window openings and branch-like structures that "grow" along its wall and rise above the sky.

This guesthouse has ten themed guest rooms, which each one having an animal as its theme; The walls of the tiger room, for instance, feature a large tiger with glowing red eyes; the kangaroo room incorporates a sculpted kangaroo with a fireplace in its belly; the fireplace in the eagle room is in the form of a giant eagle’s egg. . Many of the rooms incorporate an added level of symbolism, with the animal theme connected to a particular nationality. For instance, Nga describes the tiger room as representing “the strengths of the Chinese”; the eagle room as being “big and strong” like Americans; and the ant room as representing the “hard working Vietnamese”.

The house was dubbed the 'Crazy House" by early visitors, a name which Dang soon adopted for the house herself. Visitors have generally responded positively to the house, describing it as "brave", "brilliant", and "quintessentially cosmic".

One French tourist has commented to this Crazy House as follows:

" Thanks for showing me the meaning of life. The fairy tale house took me back to my childhood, to when things were pure and natural. "

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